Sunday, February 03, 2008
Adventure Nipplegate.
Current mood: adventurous
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I had a super terrible day on Friday. Rotten awful day! Everything went wrong, and my lovely babies were driving me crazy! I needed to get out, WAY out! My new friend invited me out, and offered to drive! YAY! I was thrilled to be getting out! We went to see Pop Evil at the Intersection. I've never been there, nor have I ever seen P.E. It was FUN! However, I consumed more alcohol than was neccessary. oops. Talked WAY too much. What a retard! Geez! Sometimes I can't help myself. I really need to NOT do that. Shut-up! I got elbowed in the eye by some burly dude in the mosh pit. No, I wasn't in the mosh pit, at least not on purpose.. So i was talking to the big dude about where he throws his elbows, and he put his arm around me. I thought it was going to be one of those 1/2 hug shoulder pat things, but oooooo no. Nope. He picked me up w/o any notice, and threw me in the air. Yes indeed, crowd surfing I went. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That was unexpected super fun. However, when the bouncer at the front caught me, very serious faced and burly as well, he says as he puts me down "you might want to tuck in your nipple before you go back out" AHHHHHHHHHHHH! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! That DID NOT just happen! HAHA! Oh NO! My girl was showing! ah! ah! eeks! hahahaha! Friggn terrible, but funny at the same time. New lesson kids, crowd surfing is fun, but only in a turtle neck. Not that I had the option to choose at that moment.
Thanks my super cool new friends! I had a blast, and a hangover to prove it. I'd like to do that again sometime.. maybe next year.. or the year after...
Friday was a really good time. I needed to get out, to do something different, let my hair down a bit. I had a blast! However, I'm in trouble for it now :( The girl that I went with, is my buddy's x gf. Me and R are tight, close like siblings. He's pissed at me for hanging out w/ her! ah! Like mad enough to write me off. Fine. I'm just really done w/ this sort of nonsense. On the one hand, I can sort of see why he'd feel that way. Not that he asked me about it at all- but he could have possibly seen it as a betrayal. They didn't have an evil break up at all- they just didn't get along, and couldn't get along, nothing horrible. I hung out w/ her once, and now I'm an asshole? I dont get it. We've been friends for YEARS! Me and R- 16 as a matter of fact..I was talking to my hubs about it yesterday, and he was saying that I should prlly pick a side. I don't want to, isn't that sort of juvenile? It seems like it to me. I've done nothing but be nice to to the both of them, but I'm a jerk? That nonsense has been happening all around me lately. Another situation w/ friends were some bad behavior occured. I wasn't around when said events took place, but her bf was upset w/ me that I didn't babysit. WHAT? Are you guys kidding me? Why am I resposible for YOUR issues?? My priority is to my hubs, and to my family, and I'm feeling very close to telling the rest of the world to fuck off. Can't I just like whom I going to like?? Anyone else's choice have NOTHING to do with me. Not my fault. I'm just sick of it. And sad about it. Not too long ago, this lady had a crush on my hubs, or so it seemed, and w/ no encourgement from him ofcourse. She was having marital problems, and got into the habbit of calling my hubs. He had to ask her to stop calling, b/c it was weird. I was not concerned about her, or worried in any way. But her hubs decided to try to tell me that he knew for a fact, that this woman was having an affair w/ my hubs, and even my brother knew about it. WTF? Crazy son of a bitch. He ended up pulling a gun on his wife and getting into trouble. Once again, we became a target- we hardly knew them at all. Why is this happening? My hubs and I have an almost perfect relationship- we get along fantastically, and going on 9 years of marriage, we still really like each other, and more in love than ever. What is going on w/ the people around us??
Ugh. Blah! Other than the random rotten problems around us, we're great! We've been having CRAZY weather! Blizzards, ice storms, and really random warm days, where everything melts, only to refreeze the next day w/ aanother ice storm. Like today, and yesterday. All the snow is melting, I think we got 5 inches sunday night, now, all gone, or close too. It's been in the low 40's- we have flood warnings. Now to night, we're suppose to get another blizzard. So now all the wet we have, will freeze, and then be covered in snow. NOT good for road conditions, at all. In the last 2 weeks of school, 4 of those days have been snow days! I can't remember ever (even when I was in school) having that many snow days so close together! With the weather, and all the snow days, my kids have been a little stir crazy. Cabin fever has hit... Little testy around here. This week so far has been better. I hope it continues.. I wouldn't be surprised if we were to get another snow day tomorrow though. I'll have to let you know how it goes!
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