About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I had a rough night w/ the baby last night. She woke up crying her poor lil' eyes out, and there was nothing I could do to fix it. Nothing made her feel better. It was so sad. I was at a loss. I almost called the doc. Finally, after about an hour and a half of carrying on, I threw her in the car at midnight, and took a nice long country drive. She didn't fall asleep, but it did chill her out enough to go to sleep when we got home. I finally got into bed at 1. Ick. The only thing I can think of is that it might be her teeth. She's get 2 new molars in on the top. Poor baby. I hope we don't have another night like that!
I'm getting together w/ some girls I went to high school with tonight. I wonder how it will go... I haven't seen 3 of them since we graduated (10 yrs ago), and those 3, I wasn't friends with in high school. Not that we were enemy's by any means, just we didn't hang out. I hope it goes well and we can come up with shit to talk about. We're only meeting for drinks, so if it sucks, I can always sneak out. I'm sure it will be fine, but good grief. What do you talk about w/ 3 people you hardly know? The other 3 that are coming, I still see, so that's cool. I'll let you know. I'm thinking that it'll be a good time. Any excuse to break away from the family is sweet! Yay! Out twice in one week. Amazing!
I'm getting ready for our vacation today. Packing, laundry and cleaning. I'm so excited about going! We'll be at the beach all week. I hope the weather is bearable. It's hotter than heck today. I think the temp is 90 or so, but the humidity is terrible! The air is so thick out there, that it feels like you can hardly breathe. The worst. Oh, and our flippn' pool is broken. Of course it would be. Hotter than hell, why wouldn't it break? The pump is completely shot. Won't even make a noise when you flip the switch. Turning a nasty shade of green as I type. ick. I hope hubby can fix it. We don't really have the money to buy a new pump right now. We were planning of doing some work to it in the fall, but not now. Something will work out for us. Seems like there was something else I was going to tell you.... OH!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo! Finally lost another pound. Taking F O R E V E R now. 3 pds left kiddies.. That's it. I'm so close I can taste it. Catch ya later!


BabyMakes4 said...

That is so exciting that you are so close to your goal!! I keep using breastfeeding as an excuse not to pay attention to my body. I guess eventually that will have to stop.

Avery's mom said...

Avery has been cutting her two front top teeth for weeks now. it does seem to take forever and the poor babies just get so sensative. She been better about sleeping but when she wakes, its like she's scared and upset and takes much more to calm her back down.
thankfully we havent had to do the night drive thing (yet) :)

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