About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day.. I'm not a fan of V-day. Hubs and I don't really celebrate it. We don't exchange gifts for sure. We are going to do something a little special tonight- we are putting the kids to bed early, and ordering in Chinese food. Yummy! Cuddle up on the couch and watch American Idol. That is our favorite date. We have more fun doing that than going anywhere. I'm looking fwd to it.
I haven't posted in a few days b/c I have nothing to say. It's been pretty uneventful around here. I got my house clean, finally. I'm trying to stay on top of it this week. It's frustrating to watch slip back into mess.
Have you heard someone say 'I can't help how I feel'? Do you believe that to be true? I don't think I do. I suppose it matters in what circumstance. I've been reading a blog recently where the spouse left one for another, and things aren't perfect in the new relationship- there's some of the "i can't help how I feel". It's easy to get caught up in how you feel, I'm guilty of it as well (in other things, not my spouse and others), but I very well think what we feel can be helped, and changed depending on your viewpoint. Do you agree? Interesting what I've heard from friends and others. I'd like a few more. Comment if you please, and LURKERS, now would be a great time to pop in and say hello. :)

Oh- and blogger still sucks! I haven't been getting all my comments again! Sorry, I'll get to you when I get them!


Chicken said...

mmmmm chinese!

Lindsey said...

Mmmmm Chinese sounds sooooo good right now. And to kick back and watch American Idol. Sounds like a great night to me.

Keith said...

The poor little baby cowboy got sent home.

CaliGirl said...

i always feel that v-day should be everyday in someones life not just one time a year. i dont like the fact its a day to show someone you love them when you should be doing this year round. we dont do much in the way of gifts for each other. i made a nice dinner for him (what he likes) and he wrote a wonderful letter on my blog. that was enough for me...i love his writing and he always knows what to say. he is like this all year round.

btw...thats our favorite kind of date-night also. we both love watching AI also...i cant wait until the "twins" are gone off the show...im tired of their showboating and constant talking about how good they are. i dont like their singing at all so im glad they are gone (its coming...they were thrown off the show after the taped stuff for getting busted in their home town and sent to jail).

hugs to you

mistyblue3 said...

chk- it was SOOOO GOOOD.

linny- we had a nice night. Except that hubs passed out on the couch exactly at 9:01. hmmm. Oh well

Keith- Yeah, the cowboy got kicked back home. He was a cute little guy, but def. not up to par for this show. The other cowboys that were w/ him were nice. I think the taller one should have been allowed to stay >(

cali- the letter your hubs wrote to you was very nice! You're a lucky girl, but then, I think he's lucky as well. I don't know about those twins... I think its nice that they stick up for each other, but their mouths have GOT to go. Blah blah blah blah all the time. I heard about the incident w/ them in the home town, but I hadn't heard what AI was going to do about it. Cool.

mrs. awesome said...

i think we absolutely can help what we "feel". i believe that ultimately, people do what they want, or rather, what they value. actions follow the values you hold, whatever they may be. how you feel has to do with what you're willing to do in a certain situation. i'm not a big fan of our drug-happy society today. i secretly think that wallowing in self-pity is a form of selfishness and laziness. now, with that said, i agree that everybody has their days like that. but some people have months and years like that....sad.