About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


AHHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAHHHH! Its been one of those weeks!I haven't updated b/c my computer has been broken, or at least not working well. This week has been so busy! We've had something going on every night, and my days are spent doing mommy type stuff. LET me tell you about my day. Today started off alright- got up early (before 6) and started getting some things done. Dropped Avery off at school, and headed to the grocery store. I can't remember what happened in b/w that time, but it was starting to get a bit crazy w/ kids and what not. I pick Max up from school, along w/ 2 other kids, every day. Today I packed up the girls, and headed towards school. After FOREVER behind all the other soccer moms, we made it home. One of the car pool kids thought he had lost his glove in the backseat. I hopped out, along with the big kids, leaving Jade in her carseat. Couldn't find the glove, closed the van door, and said goodbye to the car pool kids. Then I hear "click". Oh shit. The van locked, all by itself for NO REASON with my baby still in the car! Of course I left my keys in it, and why would I have a spare set? That would be much too convient. Hubs has the only spare key, and he was still working an hour away. I called 911, who patched me through to the fire department. The nice firemen came and got my baby out for me. Nothing like locking your baby in the car to make you feel like a stellar mother. Nice seeing all the neighbor's crane their necks to see why the fire rescue vehicle is in my driveway. Because I'm the best mom ever, duh. That's why they are here. Meanwhile, poor baby. She's on an antibiotic to clear up a sinus infection, which causes mad crazy diarrhea. Her biscuits were tender already, and she pooped while locked in my car. So she had to sit in it. OH NO. When I got her in the house to change her, her poor little business was all raw, swollen, and almost bleeding! She screamed like I've never heard her scream before. It was terrible. When hubs got home, he was kind of crabby, and so was I, so that didn't go very smoothly. AND I was late for work to top it all off. what a day. I don't have any more time, but hopefully my computer will stop being an asshole, and I can update again tomorrow!


Chicken said...

Oh god! I am sorry you had such a rough day. And, you are a stellar mother!

CaliGirl said...

all stellar moms are allowed an off day or two.

poor baby...i used to use aquafour (sp?) cream (it comes in a tub and like a paste) for when my girlie had very bad bum rash. she used to get it some terrible and that was the only thing that kept her from getting worse.

mistyblue3 said...

chk- it was bad! but it all happened after you had gone to work, otherwise I would have called you to complain about it. Sure enough stellar.

cali- I'll try it! I don't want to give her the medicine she's on anymore, but I have to let her finish it. I've been dumping her in the sink each time she has a dirty diaper, b/c she can't stand even a wash cloth to clean her, and then blow drying her to make sure she gets dry. I made up some magic butt cream (that's what its really called) but I don't think it's doing enough. I'll pick up some aquafour today. Thanks for the tip!

mrs. awesome said...

ooo...rough day! maybe you can give her a bath in some tepid water to soothe her. if you can let her run around naked in the tub for a while, the air will help it. g. used to get the worst rashes, and is allergic to diaper cream! my pediatrician recommended straight up petroleum jelly, cause it as no scent or anything. it's so sad to see your little one cry.

the fire rescue story will be funny one day. one day long in the future :)

Keith said...

that aquafor has saved us abunch of times, too...

Lindsey said...

Oh no. You really have had a bad day!!! and your poor little girl. Awwwww. I hope it gets better soon.

Becky L said...

awe!!! i feel for you!

i'm always afraid i'm gonna lock erica in the house when i go out to check the mail.

and i'll add an agreence to others who commented: aquaphor is great stuff. Erica has such dry nasty skin. And aquafor clears it right up! i havent tried it on diaper rash though. But i reckon it would work on that too.

mistyblue3 said...

jodee- I'm starting to find the story funny already :)

Keith- I haven't heard of aquafour before this post! I can't believe it has been unknown to me all this time.

linny- Yeah, me too. Thanks.

becky- my older kids have locked me out of the house when I've gone to get the mail! I hid one in the garage, just in case. AND, hubs is putting his spare to the van in one of those lock box magnetic things to hide on the van. So that won't happen again!

Avery's mom said...

you always here about those horrible mothers leaving there children in the car, its got to happen sometimes. just know you were the mother that realized the mistake and quickly remedied it. cheers to you and for your hilarious story.