About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's Thursday. Not a very exciting day. I have a case of the blahs today. My front yard is covered with tupperware that's filled w/ mud. Kiddies made mud pies w/ 1/2 of the tupperware I own, and daddy didn't mind. So there it sits, waiting for someone (ME) to clean it up. And guess what. I don't want to. Not even the slightest little bit. It's irritating to look at, but I figure b/c daddy said it was ok, he should clean up after them. Right? In my perfect world, that's what would happen, but in reality, it'll be me. I was driving my son to get a haircut this morning, and something stunk. I made some comment about it, and he goes "oh, that's Avery's fruit" WHAT? What fruit?! "The fruit cup she turned upside down into the cup holder last week". Oh hell. Gross. Gag. I have to clean that up also. My insulated coffee cup fell from the roof of my car (I was still parked, just helping a kid get in) landed on my shoulder, splashed all over the inside of my car, then fell to the ground and broke. So there's that too. It just isn't my day. I want to go get in bed, pull the blankets over my head and cry. That's what kind of day it is. And when I get irritated by small things, dirty things in particular, I start studying every aspect of my house, and get more and more pissed as I spot new nastiness that is all left for me, MOM to clean up. I wish I had the stamina to just not care, and not do it. But I can't stand it, it makes me twitch. I have to work tonight, and when I get home, heaven knows what sort of hella mess I'll walk into to. Can't things just stay clean? Max's friend from school, and his mom are coming over for coffee tomorrow. I can't have a messy house! I spent 8 hours cleaning last Saturday, all damn day, plus the yard, and for what? It just gets messy again. I can't keep up with it, and I'm sick to death of trying. But, here I go again. Trying not to cry about it, and just fix it. BLAH BOO HISS.
But, I weighed in today, so some good news. Another pound for a total of 24 (27 if you count what i did on my own before L.A) and a total of 14 inches lost. That's great. I'm 16 pounds away now... Almost there... And just to think that 8 weeks ago, I was 40 pounds from it, which seemed completely impossible. Only 16 more. I'm going to make it! I can't believe that I'm actually going to make it to my goal. I still can only tell by my clothes. I still see the same sized me in the mirror. I think I need to take some pictures and compare them. I could always tell how big I was by a picture, b/c in pictures, I look H U G E. I've moved down in size from a 14 to an 8. The eight is a bit tight, but 10's are too big. When I reach my goal, I hope to be a comfortable 8, or even maybe a 6. Even though my weight is down, I still have a funny shape.I haven't been at this weight since at least 11th grade, but my shape is SO much different. From all those babies :) I'm not bitching about that, I just think it's interesting.
The next few days are going to be really busy! Tomorrow is that stupid scan thing (yuck), after the scan, hair appt! YES! I've had ghetto hair for far too long now, and am really looking forward to having pretty hair! Going out for a girls night after that! Saturday morning I'm going to go wedding dress shopping w/ Chicken! I hope we find something that she likes, that we can have ready for her wedding which is only like 7 1/2 weeks away! From there its off to the mother/daughter banquet w/ Chicken, my mom, grandma, aunt, cousin, and my girls. This is something that my grandma's church has done all of my life, and I so don't want to go! But it would brake grandma's heart for me to miss it, so f I n e. I can only stay there for just over an hour before I have to pack up the girls, drop the baby off at home, and bring ave to her recital rehearsal in the place where it will be held. This will be her first time getting on to the big stage, and I'm curious how she'll do. I would love to see her do her recital, but I just don't think she will. Saturday's practice should give me a good idea. Seems like there is more going on, but I can't think of it at the moment. It will be hectic anyway. I must be off now. The nasty yard/car/house is waiting for me. A good weekend to all!


Avery's mom said...

mud pie for dinner sounds like a solution if hubby doesnt want to clean up

Distant Timbers Echo said...

I like Avery's Mom's idea. But also, here's what I think. Either get stainless steel coating on everything in the house and put a drain right in the middle of it so you can just hose it all down. OOOORRRR...
Pay off a couple of debts and hire a maid to clean up once a week. Seriously. My mom did it after we kids moved out and she hasn't been happier!

crazycatlady said...

I sure hope your day gets better...so sorry you're having a tough time. Hopefully the husband will step up and help out soon.

mistyblue3 said...

avery's mom- LOVE That idea

jas- I would totally go for the drain thing :) We have no debt, but a maid is costly, and that would make me feel guilty, considering I clean houses for others when I need extra cash. Good ideas though!

cat- thanks. Just a piss and moan kind of day. I'll be fine once things are back where they belong!