About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


The last 5 days have been crazy busy! I'm looking forward to some down time. Friday night we had all of the boys from Max's kindergarten class over for a birthday party. I don't EVER want to do that again. Those boys were so crazy and loud. Screaming, wrestling, chaos. It was hard to get their attention to even play games. All the boys had a good time, and more importantly, Max really enjoyed it. I don't think I'll be doing that again next year.
I went and weighed in on Saturday morning. I lost another 3 pounds!!! That brings me to 7 in under a week. Just a few days really. It was really hard being away from home and eating out this weekend. I just can't eat out. Or not till I get more familiar w/ what's ok to eat, and what isn't.
Hubs and I had a GREAT time this weekend. It was so nice to hang out, talk, play, catch up. We went to Traverse City, MI, and played at the Sutton's Bay Casino. We won 250$ playing black jack. It was great. We didn't get home Sunday night till after 9. We couldn't wait to see the kids! I missed them soooo much. Nice to get away, but even better coming home.
I had to go to Jury Duty on Monday. Ick. I was selected for a Federal trial. It was very interesting watching the judicial process. The case ended today, and we found the defendant guilty on all 3 charges. The guy sold crack to an undercover agent, sold it to him within 1000 feet of 2 elementary schools, and he had a gun. He already was a convicted felon, so having a gun is a big no no, and the gun is why it was in federal court instead of state court. It was interesting, but I'm glad its done. It was a pain in the ass to set up day care for my kids! And on top of that, I still MISS them. I want to play with them, and snuggle. I can't wait to pick them up today!!!


Avery's mom said...

your such a good mother! there are times I miss my daughter Avery and its only been a few short hours of her napping lol

mrs. awesome said...

jury duty is a pain in the ass, but aren't you glad you got help put a guy like that away?

mistyblue3 said...

avery's mom- aww, thanks!

jo-dee- I am glad. It was a little intimidating to know that I was sending him away. But I'm glad he's gone. He sold drugs in my old neighboorhood. Ass.