About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Friday, November 04, 2005


I'm pissed. First of all, I really have no right to be, but that doesn't change the fact that I am. I can't get a baby sitter for shit. I called my mom the other day to see if she could watch the kids either tonight for a few hours, or tomarrow morning for a few, just so I can accomplish some things. Hard to get shit done when you have 3 little kids under your feet. And even if hubs trys to keep them occupied, they STILL find me and get into stuff. I want to get them out of the house for just a little while. So, anyway, called mom back this morning to see if she talked to my step dad, and they have plans. Ok, what are you guys doing? I don't remember what she said for tonight, but she said that tomarrow MORNING, they have a pig roast to go to. A fucking pig roast? In the am? WHATEVER! Who goes to a pig roast in the morning? Anyone? Buttholes. I'm just frustrated. Its my fucking anniversery weekend, and NOBODY can help me out. Hubs parents NEVER babysit, but of course, my m-i-l is still recovering from breast cancer, so I'm not upset about that, although even when she was healthy, they don't like to baby sit. My grandma will usually watch my kids anytime, bless her heart, but she's out of town right now, and my parents have a FUCKING pig roast. All of my friends have busy families and kids of thier own, so that doesn't really work, and I could have a niece or high school girl over (the 2 we use on occasion), but that defeats the purpose. I want them out of the house for 2 fucking hours. I'm so pissed. MAN, that sucks. Really sucks. My kids aren't little demons, why can't I find a sitter? I give up. Fuck em'.


Margaret said...

aww hun...i am so sorry...i would watch the kiddos for you...but its a long way to travel just for that... :)


Chicken said...

Poor woman...I want to help you. Even if I end up staying home this weekend, I don't want your babies to get my cooties.

mistyblue3 said...

thanks monkey! yeah it would be a long way.. but if you're ever in MI... :D

chk- are you sick? that cough of yours turn into something nasty?? Feel better!

Keith said...

We have the hardest time getting sitters these days. I feel your pain to quote a former president.

Pete said...

damn that sucks.

Hope your week gets better

mistyblue3 said...

Keith- Its the worst! Why are good sitters so hard to find? And the more kids you have, the more difficult it gets!

Jane- I'm with you on that one! I need one that cooks and cleans as well!

Pete-thank you!