About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Its Friday!

Hi Friends,
I've missed you. My computer is still being a dick, but someone is suppose to come and look at it tomarrow! I'm playing poker tonight, and if I win, I'm so buying a new computer! I'm sick of this broken one.
I had to go to a funeral yesterday :( My very good friend's mother passed away. It was really beautiful, as far as funerals go. She will be missed. I have never been to a funeral that was not religious. If your not a religious person, what kind of funeral do you have??
I've been busting my ass cooking today. I really would like to take a nap. None for me. I'll be glad when this shower is over. I'll be glad when all of this wedding business is over too.
So there's this guy that I used to hang out w/ before I was married, and he's been emailing me recently. He knows that I'm happily married, and all about my kids. He is a single guy w/ kids. He wants to get together w/ our kids sometime and catch up. hmmmm. I don't about that. And when I say hang out, we didn't really... We were never friends or anything.. We just new each other, um, at night kinda. lol. Whatever, you know what I mean. (blush blush). Anyhow, it seems weird to me. Do you think I'm just paranoid? I might be. I've become quite the basket case since I've had kids. I never used to have fears of anything. I lived in the middle of the ghetto, I loved talking to strangers, odd looking folks never bothered me, i never locked my doors... And since I've had kids, I've decided that world is full of bad people out to hurt each other or more specifically, me and my kids, and I'm a hypochrondriact(sp?) as well. What is it about kids that changed my views so much? Have any of you experienced this?
I have so more pictures to post, but my F*n computer freezes each time I try to up load them, so I hope on monday I can do that.

Hope your weekend is the best ever!



Margaret said...

about the guy you used to know...you could have a bbq at your house when everyone is home...then the kids could hang out and the adults could chat...that might deter him from thinking that there is something there...



mistyblue3 said...

good idea.. think it'd be better to visit him w/ hubs!

Chicken said...

I agree, so he knows nothing is going on. Does hubby know this about him? Do I know him? Give me initials?

mistyblue3 said...

I don't know that you ever met him.. Super hot guy, prly back 8 yrs ago.. G, was/is his name. Hubs knows about him.. He was the guy I ran into at the hospital a few yrs ago, the one that had to draw my blood. LOL. Yeah, that one.