About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Monday, August 29, 2005

How about those VMA's?? I thought that it was a pretty good show. I'm not really into hip hop/rap, but I loved Kanye West/Jamie Foxx performance. I like that song. And when did Jamie Foxx get hot? I must have missed that somewhere. Yum. Alicia Keys has gross lookin' boobies. Maybe its just that style of 70's halter top thing/no bra that make them look nasty. Anyway. We had a good weekend. We went to an "end of summer" party and had a great time. Played some poker, I lost, AGAIN. We went to a panio bar w/ some friends on Friday night.
That place is awesome, we had a really good time. And yesterday, our baby was baptised. We had all of our friends and family over afterwards for a cookout. The weather was perfect, and it was really nice to spend time w/ the people we love. But w/ all of the activity we had going on, it was crazy busy around here. I was pooped last night. Then Hubs and I got into it. Yuck. I can't stand it when we have issues. And the thing is, is they are all small issues, but b/c they are not dealt with, those small things get bigger. It just sucks. I'm getting sick of being ignored. He says that he wants to make things better and talk about it, but when I say this is what's wrong, he tells me that that's not how it went, or thats not what happened, or he has every reason in the world that how he acted/responded/or whatever was completely appropriate. And he's sincere, its not like he's being a jerk, he just CAN'T see it from my point of view. So I drop it. Then somehting happens again, and I say this is what's bothering me, and he just basically says i'm wrong, or this is the reason, and that's suppose to make me feel better. So then I get pissed and say " each time I try and tell you what's bothering me, you immeadiatly shoot me down. You always tell me i'm wrong" And right away he says " I do not." So there you have it. He just did it AGAIN. Maybe I'm being a bitch, but I need to feel validated, and listening to him make excuses is not doing it for me. Just b/c I'm not throwing a fit does not mean that I'm not still upset about it. It sucks. I don't khnow what to do about it. I'm beginning to think that its time for a meadiator of some sort. We'll see what happens now. :(


CaliGirl said...

the VMA's where the diddy and friends show. i like him...but when pretty much 80% of the show was rap/r&b(whatever its called now) its all about him. no more diddy MTV!

congrats on the little one getting baptised.

sorry to hear you are not being heard by your other half. it sucks and i hope you both work this issue out...like mel said...this really is a big problem that ends lots of relationships. :(

mistyblue3 said...

I can see how that can end even a strong marriage- its easy to unravel if you feel like your not being heard. I don't want that to happen!

I think so to cali, it was for sure the diddy show. thanks for the congrats, and hubs and I will get passed this bumb :)

spin said...

Hubby and I have the same prob. It can be devastating. We're working on it though.

Congrats on the baptism.

Keith said...

I admmit I have been guilty of ignoring as well. Came to a head back in the spring. Things are much better now. Mens: don't ignore your womens. Lesson over.

Pete said...

Coming from a blokes perspective women and men speak very very different langueges.

Wifey and I have really tried hard to learn what each other needs. She needs to be heard and understood and I need I need to feel like I'm not under attack.

We try to set up some ground rules....you know like -lets be calm about this
- I will talk about what bothereing me without you inturuppting and then you can respond.

I don't usually like giving 'advice' in comments but we have been there...through some really tough times.....and if you get through it, it is sooooooo worth it!

A councellor really helped Wifey and I in the early stages.....gave us the tools to develop our relationshiop......nothing to be ashamed of....they dont give you a book when you say I do.


mistyblue3 said...

Queen- I think all couples go through this-its a pain in the ass, and I can't WAIT to get over it. Thanks for stopping by and saying how cute my babies are :) Now if they only behaved as well as the look!!!!

Spin- We're working on it to, its just hard, and makes me sad.

Keith- Good lesson!!!!!

Pete- I appreciate the advice :) Thanks.