I have a ghetto neighbor. He burns all his trash, has too many cars, roomates, and he yells at his kids. Drives me crazy. I could go on for days about this guy- he irritates the shit out of me. Here's a story for you.
My kids like to play w/ his kids. His kids are older, they're 10, 11, 11, & 12. I don't mind if they play, but the rules are they have to stay outside where I can see them. The other day Max came in from playing and said that the youngest gave him a test, cause that's what friends do. I was suspicious right away. When I asked what the test was, he said that the boy wanted to know what bad words Max knew, and then he gave him some bad words. Nice.... So my hubs went next door to speak to Mr. Nasty dad. I was surprised when 10 min later, the boy was knocking on our front door w/ his dad to apologize to us. How nice. Mr. Nasty does care about his kids. So after his apology, Mr. Nasty says yeah, sorry about that. He needs to learn to watch his fucking mouth. Fabulous. I wonder where they get it.....
That's funny because I don't have kids. My grandma cusses like a sailor and she always used to say that to my mom. I would pick up something she said....and my mom would yell at me for it...and my grandma would be in the background..."Yeah where the hell do you pick up that shit?"
I swear too much myself. I swear around my kids, but not AT them. My 12 yr old swears, and I know it. But I couldn't imagine her corrupting younger children. That would make me way more pissed than the swearing itself. Convincing other kids (especially younger ones) to do something they know better than to do would really embarrass and upset me.
I can't believe nasty neighbor man actually said that to you guys though. Despite my affinity for swear words, I do know how to NOT swear when it isn't appropriate! What a maroon!
chk- your family is hilarious!
rachael- I also enjoy swearing- but not at my kids, nor in conversation w/ people I don't know well enough to have that permit with. That guy is a total tool. I could go on for days. Maybe that will be my post when i can think of no other, more stories on my ghetto ass neighboor.
I'm a fan of swearing myself, but, I HATE it when people swear at their kids, and it bugs me even more when the kids swear back at them, like its no big deal. Nice family dynamics.
I try to save my cussing for my blog (partly why I started it).
What a dumb shit neighboor.
my hubby's ex-boss said similar things like:
-nice fuckin mouth, eh?
-no fuckin manners!
and the best one...
-that fucker has no class!
because people who use the f-bomb every other word OBVIOUSLY have tons of class.
Oh that is hilarious!!!!
I used to have some ghetto neighbors...way too many cars, most of them didn't run. There were sheets of plastic stapled to their windows (to prevent heat loss) and their grass was about 4 feet tall.
sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from th tree hey!
Looks like this one has started fermenting!
Hey! ARe we neighbors? You should see the ghetto kids in my neck of the woods! WOuldn't it be easier to raise yours if everyone else did their job raising theirs?
spin- yeah, that guy's an ass. I heard him yelling at his 12 yr old the other day "Fuck you you arrogant little son of bitch" How are people able to talk to thier kids like that?
jo-dee- lol! idiot! When mr nasty said the "he's got to learn to watch in fucking mouth", his kid, and mine we're standing right next to him
linny- That's them! But since its summer and flippn' ass hot, they leave all thier windows open, with NO screens so the curtain billow out the windows. Gross. I can only imagine what sort of pig sty it is on the inside- and the grass, always too tall, but if they mow it, they NEVER water it so its as brown and crusty as you please.
Pete- that's the worst part. His kids are going to end up just like him b/c its all they know. Its sad.
Aughra- Yep. It would. We very well could be neighboors. Or at least every street has em. I don't know why they had to be our neighboors- They are decreasing my value as we speak. Buttholes.
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