About Me

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I'm a happily married mom of 3! I recently rejoined the work force after 8 years of being a SAHM. Now I'm REALLY trying to figure it out. Finding my balance w/ my family, my job, housework, school stuff, extra stuff, and maintain some sort of social life.. Nearly impossible.

Friday, August 05, 2005

It's Friday!

Good morning all... So its finally Friday. This week took F O R E V E R!! We are going camping for the weekend w/ all of my hubs brother & sister & kids, and his parents. There are 29 of us. Its always fun, and we look fwd to it every year. We've been camping one weekend every summer together for the last 6 yrs. The kids have a blast hanging out w/ all of thier cuzns for the weekend. I should have some good pictures to put up on Monday :) So today I have to bust my ass getting everything packed (including hubs stuff, he never packs for himself), and I have to clean the house. I cannot stand going away for a vacation, or a weekend and coming home to a messy house! That's the worst. So I'm hoping all of my lovely's will be good today!
Hubs and I had a fight last night. I'm still pissed. This is where marriage gets hard. When the 2 of you do not agree at all, how do you just get past it and move on, without bitterness or resentment? I have a hard time doing that. I should tell you something about Hubs first, I haven't talked about him at all yet. We've been married for nearly 6 yrs now. We have a great relationship. He's one of those guys, that's just decent, and always honest. He works very hard, and is an awesome daddy. That being said... UGH! I used to be a smoker, as did he. About a year and 1/2 ago, hubs said it thought that we needed to quit. They're expensive, health reasons, and if the parents smoke, kids are 95% more likely to light up as well. Which i should add, we never smoked in our house, and I never smoked while preggos or nursing. Anyway, I didn't really want to. I for one enjoyed a fabulous smoke w/ a good cup of coffee.. mmmmm.. I knew though that he couldn't do it on his own. So we did it. Quit. It was terrible!! I suffered and cried for 2 weeks b/c I wanted one soooo bad. But I made it. A few months later, I found out I was pregnant! Woohoo! We were so excited b/c we had desperately wanted a 3rd child and had a terribly difficult time conceiving, so then it was easy for me not to light up again. And then hubs started again. I was pissed. He said he would quit again, by the time our baby was born. Whatever. So, baby is born, he's still smoking.. I wasn't nagging him, but I was begining to boil under the surface. I waited patiently, and he did it! He quit again. YES! So I've been really good about praising him, supporting him, and encouraging him. Low and behold, after 2 months, he started up AGAIN! We had this talk and he was saying how hard it was to not smoke, how it thought about it everyday, blah blah blah. I do too. Even after a year and ahalf, I still crave it, but I choose not too. It would be nice if I could give in to something when I had an urge also, but that's not how things get done. I thought telling him that if he was going to smoke, so was I would make him not want to. Wrong! He went and bought a pack of my favorite brand and gave them too me! WHAT? I was really tempted. I wondered if that was how Adam had felt in the Garden? Anyway, fast fwd to last night. It has been a week since the pack of smokes incident. I want him to quit. NOW already. I haven't been hounding him, or nagging him, but I've been upset about it. He says that he's going to try and quit. But how is smoking 1/2 pack a day trying? I don't get it. If your going to quit, then stop picking them up! We do not at all agree on this subject, and I don't know how to get past it, and just be fine w/ him as a smoker. I don't know how to accept that, and not at all be bitter. I really just want to be pissed until he quits. In marriage, how do you decide who wins?


Anonymous said...

There is never a winner. My advice would be that you not say anything about his smoking, after first telling him that he will respect you by not smoking anywhere near you and not buying cigarettes for you. Quitting is harder for some people than others and when he really wants to he will. Compromise and respect go a long way. Focus on the positives.


mistyblue3 said...

thanks for the advice guys.